I am going to post the instructions below on how I used the Rebornfx paint remover. The product also includes a Scrubbie wedge to help remove stubborn areas of paint with out scratching the vinyl.
Basic Instructions for Rebornfx Paint Remover
1. Pour some ReBornFX Paint Remover into a small container. With the flat brush, apply a thick coat of the paint remover onto your vinyl pieces.
2. Lightly mist the inside of your glass bowl and towel with water. Put your vinyl pieces onto the damp towel and put bowl on top. This keeps the paint remover solution moist to help activate it more. If the ReBornFX paint Remover has dried then reactivate it by applying more Remover solution or water on
3. Leave paint remover on for 15 minutes when removing heat set paints. Paint remover may remove
acrylic paints with in 7 to 10 minutes. Timing will depend on how many layers of paint is on your vinyl pieces. You may test to see if paint is lifting by rubbing with a cloth.
4. Remove the Bowl and fill with warm tap water . Add a few drops of Dawn Dish Soap.

A second application of paint remover may be required for some hard to remove areas of paint.
6. Once the majority of paint has been removed , a Scrubby wedge or Sand Eraser will help get into small crevices to remove paint. Wooden toothpicks are also helpful for getting paint out from between fingers and toes, but be careful not to scratch the vinyl.
7. Once all paint is removed, give your vinyl pieces a good washing with clean water
and Dawn Dish Soap. Then rinse soap off thoroughly. Your piece will be ready to paint when dry.
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