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ReBornFX Videos

Information Videos using the ReBornFX Air dry paints will be posted here.
Links can also be found on www.macphersoncrafts.com  under Tutorial tab.

Tutorial #1  Introduction to ReBornFX Paints


This first video made is an introduction to the ready to use one once bottles of ReBornFX  Air dry Paints and Mediums. It will recommend some important tools you will need when using air dry paints. The video will also show you how to use the ReBornWash mixes, some ideas on how to apply the ReBornFX Paints to your vinyl and what some of the ReBornFX Mediums can be used for. Please take note when watching that the paints are being applied heavily so the paint colors shows up on the video. In reborning, paint is applied in very thin transparent layers to get that real skin look.
This video is about 32 min. long.

Tutorial #2   Conversion from Heat Set Paints


If you are coming from a heat set painting experience in reborning, this video will show you how you can take your old heat set tutorials and easily convert them over to the ReBornFX Air Dry paint colors. If you are starting with the ReBornFX Air Dry paints and find a popular  Genesis Heat Set tutorial you would like to use for you air dry paints, then this video will show you how that can be done.  This video is about 6 min. long.

Tutorial #3  Using ReBornFX Air Dry Paints with other brands of air dry paints.


Have other air dry paints you want to use up? Find out how you can make them compatible with the ReBornFX Air Dry Paints by watching this video.

ReBornFX 3D air dry medium used for painted hair texturing;



  1. Introduction to the RebornFX air dry paint system. This is an informative video on how the products can be used. It is not a instructional tutorial. In order for the paint colors to show up on the video, thicker applications were used. In reborning the paints are to be applied in very thin transparent layers.

  2. Could you please demonstrate the 3D Medium? This one fascinates me and I would like to know how to apply it properly. Thank you

  3. What would you like the demo on ? Nails, hair or milia

  4. This reply is pretty late and not from the same person but can you post a demo on hair and nails please?

  5. None of the videos are working.

  6. Hi Martha, I just checked them and the only one not working is the #4 Tutorials on the pigments paints. This one was taken off due to the fact we no longer sell the pure liquid pigment paints. Our customers are loving the premixed line instead.

  7. I've removed the #4 tutorial on this page to update. It was a nice way of painting with the primary colors that could be done with our premixed colors as well. Will think about redoing it using the premixed colors for this blog site.


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